Welcome to Struts Scripting

This component allows Struts Actions to be written in the scripting language of one's choice rather than as Java classes. It uses the Bean Scripting Framework to allow scripts to be written in any language BSF supports like Perl, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Groovy, and even VBScript.

Struts Scripting allows an application to be developed rapidly with the quick development cycle (edit file -> refresh browser) that one would expect in a scripting environment. Furthermore, it enables other non-Java trained members of a development group, such as web designers who may have a scripting background, to be more involved, leaving the Java developers to create the reusable services the Struts actions will interact with. Finally, when used with Java-like languages such as Groovy, applications can quickly be stood up, then later the Struts action scripts can be migrated to Java for better performance.


  • Implement Actions with JavaScript, Groovy, etc.
  • Supports all BSF languages
  • Scripts cached in memory on first use
  • Ability to pass parameters to script through Struts config
