Uses of Class

Packages that use ActionConfig
org.apache.struts.action The action package is the core of the struts framework, providing the "Controller" aspect of a MVC model. 
org.apache.struts.chain.commands Configurable commands that may be placed within the request processor. 
org.apache.struts.chain.commands.servlet Commands which are particular to servlet processing. 
org.apache.struts.chain.contexts This package provides objects that encapsulate access to the request and session-scoped resources to service command processing. 
org.apache.struts.config The "config" package contains configuration objects that correspond to elements that may be specified in the struts-config.xml module configuration file. 
org.apache.struts.config.impl Provides default implementation classes for the configuration objects. 
org.apache.struts.util The Utilities package provides a variety of families of classes, to solve problems that are commonly encountered in building web applications. 

Uses of ActionConfig in org.apache.struts.action

Subclasses of ActionConfig in org.apache.struts.action
 class ActionMapping
          An ActionMapping represents the information that the controller, RequestProcessor, knows about the mapping of a particular request to an instance of a particular Action class.
 class RequestActionMapping
          Subclass of ActionMapping that defaults the form bean scope to request.
 class SessionActionMapping
          Subclass of ActionMapping that defaults the form bean scope to session.

Methods in org.apache.struts.action that return ActionConfig
protected  ActionConfig ActionServlet.processActionConfigClass(ActionConfig actionConfig, ModuleConfig moduleConfig)
          Checks if the current actionConfig is using the correct class based on the class of its ancestor ActionConfig.

Methods in org.apache.struts.action with parameters of type ActionConfig
protected  ActionConfig ActionServlet.processActionConfigClass(ActionConfig actionConfig, ModuleConfig moduleConfig)
          Checks if the current actionConfig is using the correct class based on the class of its ancestor ActionConfig.
protected  void ActionServlet.processActionConfigExtension(ActionConfig actionConfig, ModuleConfig moduleConfig)
          Extend the action's configuration as necessary.
protected  ExceptionConfig ActionServlet.processExceptionConfigClass(ExceptionConfig exceptionConfig, ModuleConfig moduleConfig, ActionConfig actionConfig)
          Checks if the current exceptionConfig is using the correct class based on the class of its configuration ancestor.
protected  void ActionServlet.processExceptionExtension(ExceptionConfig exceptionConfig, ModuleConfig moduleConfig, ActionConfig actionConfig)
          Extend the exception's configuration as necessary.
protected  ForwardConfig ActionServlet.processForwardConfigClass(ForwardConfig forwardConfig, ModuleConfig moduleConfig, ActionConfig actionConfig)
          Checks if the current forwardConfig is using the correct class based on the class of its configuration ancestor.
protected  void ActionServlet.processForwardExtension(ForwardConfig forwardConfig, ModuleConfig moduleConfig, ActionConfig actionConfig)
          Extend the forward's configuration as necessary.

Uses of ActionConfig in org.apache.struts.chain.commands

Methods in org.apache.struts.chain.commands with parameters of type ActionConfig
protected abstract  ForwardConfig AbstractExecuteAction.execute(ActionContext context, Action action, ActionConfig actionConfig, ActionForm actionForm)
          Execute the specified Action, and return the resulting ForwardConfig.
protected abstract  Action AbstractCreateAction.getAction(ActionContext context, java.lang.String type, ActionConfig actionConfig)
           Create and return the appropriate Action class for the given type and actionConfig.
protected abstract  java.lang.String AbstractAuthorizeAction.getErrorMessage(ActionContext context, ActionConfig actionConfig)
           Retrieve error message from context.
protected abstract  ForwardConfig AbstractExceptionHandler.handle(ActionContext context, java.lang.Exception exception, ExceptionConfig exceptionConfig, ActionConfig actionConfig, ModuleConfig moduleConfig)
          Perform the required handling of the specified exception.
protected  void AbstractPopulateActionForm.handleCancel(ActionContext context, ActionConfig actionConfig, ActionForm actionForm)
          Take into account whether the request includes any defined value for the global "cancel" parameter.
protected  boolean AbstractAuthorizeAction.isAuthorizationRequired(ActionConfig actionConfig)
          Must authorization rules be consulted? The base implementation returns true if the given ActionConfig has one or more roles defined.
protected abstract  boolean AbstractAuthorizeAction.isAuthorized(ActionContext context, java.lang.String[] roles, ActionConfig actionConfig)
          Determine if the action is authorized for the given roles.
protected abstract  void AbstractPopulateActionForm.populate(ActionContext context, ActionConfig actionConfig, ActionForm actionForm)
           Populate the given ActionForm with request parameter values, taking into account any prefix/suffix values configured on the given ActionConfig.
protected abstract  void AbstractPopulateActionForm.reset(ActionContext context, ActionConfig actionConfig, ActionForm actionForm)
          Call the reset() method on the specified form bean.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractPopulateActionForm.trimParameterName(ActionConfig actionConfig, java.lang.String name)
          For a given request parameter name, trim off any prefix and/or suffix which are defined in actionConfig and return what remains.
protected abstract  ActionErrors AbstractValidateActionForm.validate(ActionContext context, ActionConfig actionConfig, ActionForm actionForm)
          Call the validate() method of the specified form bean, and return the resulting ActionErrors object.

Uses of ActionConfig in org.apache.struts.chain.commands.servlet

Methods in org.apache.struts.chain.commands.servlet with parameters of type ActionConfig
protected  ForwardConfig ExecuteAction.execute(ActionContext context, Action action, ActionConfig actionConfig, ActionForm actionForm)
          Execute the specified Action, and return the resulting ActionForward.
protected  Action CreateAction.getAction(ActionContext context, java.lang.String type, ActionConfig actionConfig)
protected  java.lang.String AuthorizeAction.getErrorMessage(ActionContext context, ActionConfig actionConfig)
protected  ForwardConfig ExceptionHandler.handle(ActionContext context, java.lang.Exception exception, ExceptionConfig exceptionConfig, ActionConfig actionConfig, ModuleConfig moduleConfig)
protected  boolean AuthorizeAction.isAuthorized(ActionContext context, java.lang.String[] roles, ActionConfig mapping)
protected  void PopulateActionForm.populate(ActionContext context, ActionConfig actionConfig, ActionForm actionForm)
protected  void PopulateActionForm.reset(ActionContext context, ActionConfig actionConfig, ActionForm actionForm)
protected  ActionErrors ValidateActionForm.validate(ActionContext context, ActionConfig actionConfig, ActionForm actionForm)
          Call the validate() method of the specified form bean, and return the resulting ActionErrors object.

Uses of ActionConfig in org.apache.struts.chain.contexts

Methods in org.apache.struts.chain.contexts that return ActionConfig
 ActionConfig ActionContextBase.getActionConfig()
 ActionConfig ActionContext.getActionConfig()
           Get the ActionConfig which contains the details for processing this request.

Methods in org.apache.struts.chain.contexts with parameters of type ActionConfig
 void ServletActionContext.setActionConfig(ActionConfig actionConfig)
 void ActionContextBase.setActionConfig(ActionConfig config)
 void ActionContext.setActionConfig(ActionConfig config)
           Set the ActionConfig class contains the details for processing this request.

Uses of ActionConfig in org.apache.struts.config

Methods in org.apache.struts.config that return ActionConfig
protected  ActionConfig ActionConfigMatcher.convertActionConfig(java.lang.String path, ActionConfig orig, java.util.Map vars)
           Clones the ActionConfig and its children, replacing various properties with the values of the wildcard-matched strings.
 ActionConfig ModuleConfig.findActionConfig(java.lang.String path)
           Return the action configuration for the specified path, if any; otherwise return null.
 ActionConfig ModuleConfig.findActionConfigId(java.lang.String actionId)
          Returns the action configuration for the specifed action action identifier.
 ActionConfig[] ModuleConfig.findActionConfigs()
           Return the action configurations for this module.
 ActionConfig ActionConfigMatcher.match(java.lang.String path)
           Matches the path against the compiled wildcard patterns.

Methods in org.apache.struts.config with parameters of type ActionConfig
 void ModuleConfig.addActionConfig(ActionConfig config)
           Add a new ActionConfig instance to the set associated with this module.
protected  boolean ForwardConfig.checkCircularInheritance(ModuleConfig moduleConfig, ActionConfig actionConfig)
          Traces the hierarchy of this object to check if any of the ancestors are extending this instance.
protected  boolean ExceptionConfig.checkCircularInheritance(ModuleConfig moduleConfig, ActionConfig actionConfig)
          Traces the hierarchy of this object to check if any of the ancestors are extending this instance.
protected  ActionConfig ActionConfigMatcher.convertActionConfig(java.lang.String path, ActionConfig orig, java.util.Map vars)
           Clones the ActionConfig and its children, replacing various properties with the values of the wildcard-matched strings.
protected  void ActionConfig.inheritExceptionHandlers(ActionConfig baseConfig)
          Compare the exception handlers of this action with that of the given and copy those that are not present.
protected  void ActionConfig.inheritForwards(ActionConfig baseConfig)
          Compare the forwards of this action with that of the given and copy those that are not present.
 void ActionConfig.inheritFrom(ActionConfig config)
          Inherit values that have not been overridden from the provided config object.
 void ForwardConfig.processExtends(ModuleConfig moduleConfig, ActionConfig actionConfig)
          Inherit configuration information from the ForwardConfig that this instance is extending.
 void ExceptionConfig.processExtends(ModuleConfig moduleConfig, ActionConfig actionConfig)
          Inherit configuration information from the ExceptionConfig that this instance is extending.
 void ModuleConfig.removeActionConfig(ActionConfig config)
           Remove the specified action configuration instance.

Constructors in org.apache.struts.config with parameters of type ActionConfig
ActionConfigMatcher(ActionConfig[] configs)
           Finds and precompiles the wildcard patterns from the ActionConfig "path" attributes.

Uses of ActionConfig in org.apache.struts.config.impl

Methods in org.apache.struts.config.impl that return ActionConfig
 ActionConfig ModuleConfigImpl.findActionConfig(java.lang.String path)
           Return the action configuration for the specified path, first looking a direct match, then if none found, a wildcard pattern match; otherwise return null.
 ActionConfig ModuleConfigImpl.findActionConfigId(java.lang.String actionId)
          Returns the action configuration for the specifed action action identifier.
 ActionConfig[] ModuleConfigImpl.findActionConfigs()
           Return the action configurations for this module.

Methods in org.apache.struts.config.impl with parameters of type ActionConfig
 void ModuleConfigImpl.addActionConfig(ActionConfig config)
           Ad d a new ActionConfig instance to the set associated with this module.
 void ModuleConfigImpl.removeActionConfig(ActionConfig config)
           Remove the specified action configuration instance.

Uses of ActionConfig in org.apache.struts.util

Methods in org.apache.struts.util with parameters of type ActionConfig
static java.lang.String RequestUtils.actionURL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, ActionConfig action, java.lang.String pattern)
          Return the context-relative URL that corresponds to the specified ActionConfig, relative to the module associated with the current modules's ModuleConfig.

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